A Corporation Committed to

Only the Finest and the Best

SUPREME :Of the highest quality,

the finest, supremely elevated

The pursuit of beauty is an innate desire for all,

and to fulfill this, we supply only the most

meticulously selected products.

For the beautiful and healthy skin of our

customers, we always promise to deliver

only the highest quality and the finest products.

A Corporation Grounded in Compassion for Humanity


Humanism, Philanthropy, Compassion

Founded upon the most profound and

boundless compassion for humanity,

we operate under the belief that people

are their most beautiful selves.

We are dedicated to maximizing this beauty

in every way possible. Through relentless

research in skincare and cosmetics,

we are committed to demonstrating

the limitless growth of our company.

“ The Choice for Skin

SH embodies the pinnacle of humanism,

based on an infinite love for humanity.

With a profound belief in the inherent

beauty of each person, we strive to maximize

this beauty by supplying only the finest quality,

the best-selected cosmetics available.



Through relentless research on skin and cosmetics,

we aim to understand each individual's skin type

and concerns more accurately than anyone else

and to provide the best solutions

and products tailored to their needs.


With a mindset that always respects our customers,

we are committed to sincerely communicating and approaching with a genuine attitude, embodying the spirit of customer respect in all that we do.


We will always listen attentively to our customers,

sharing in all your skin concerns and

working together to resolve them, continuously striving to create healthy and beautiful skin.


We value the environment as much as we do

our customers' skin and are actively participating

in establishing eco-friendly management practices.

By doing so, we aim to become a leading

company in environmental conservation.


A Corporation Committed to

Only the Finest and the Best

SUPREME :Of the highest quality,

the finest, supremely elevated

The pursuit of beauty is an innate desire for all,

and to fulfill this, we supply only the most

meticulously selected products.

For the beautiful and healthy skin of our customers,

we always promise to deliver only the

highest quality and the finest products.

A Corporation Grounded

in Compassion for Humanity


Humanism, Philanthropy, Compassion

Founded upon the most profound and boundless

compassion for humanity, we operate

under the belief that people are their most beautiful selves.

We are dedicated to maximizing this beauty

in every way possible. Through relentless research

in skincare and cosmetics, we are committed to

demonstrating the limitless growth of our company.

“ The Choice for Skin, SH Cosmetic Group ”

SH embodies the pinnacle of humanism, based on an infinite love for humanity.

With a profound belief in the inherent beauty of each person, we strive to maximize

this beauty by supplying only the finest quality, the best-selected cosmetics available.




Through relentless research on skin and cosmetics,

we aim to understand each individual's skin type

and concerns more accurately than anyone else and

to provide the best solutions and products tailored to their needs.

With a mindset that always respects our customers,

we are committed to sincerely communicating and approaching

with a genuine attitude, embodying the spirit of customer

respect in all that we do.



We will always listen attentively to our customers,

sharing in all your skin concerns and

working together to resolve them, continuously striving

to create healthy and beautiful skin.

We value the environment as much as we do

our customers' skin and are actively participating in establishing

eco-friendly management practices. By doing so, we aim

to become a leading company in environmental conservation.



5F, 42, Seochojungang-ro 2-gil,

Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

T  02-3018-4588 [CONTACT]

Y   @shcosmeticsgroup8332


Company Name : SH Cosmetics Group

CEO : SongHo Lee

Address : (06725) 5F, 42, Seochojungang-ro 2gil,

Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

사업자등록번호 : 126-20-14143  [사업자정보확인]

통신판매업신고 : 2016-서울서초-0531호

개인정보관리책임자 : Marketing

02-3018-4588 ㅣ

본 사이트 내 모든 이미지 및 콘텐츠 등은 저작권법 제 4조에 의한 저작물로써 소유권은 본 회사에게 있으며, 무단 도용시 법적인 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.


상호명 : 에스에이치 코스메틱 그룹(SH Cosmetics Group)  ㅣ  대표 : 이송호(SongHo Lee)

주소(address) : (06725) 5F, 42, Seochojungang-ro 2-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

사업자등록번호 : 126-20-14143 [사업자정보확인]  ㅣ  통신판매업신고 : 2016-서울서초-0531호

개인정보관리책임자 : 마케팅(Marketing)  ㅣ  02-3018-4588  ㅣ