A steadfast commitment

for the skin, using only

the pures and safest ingredients.

ERLIN focuses exclusively on the most pure

and safe botanical ingredients, enhancing

the skin's natural healing abilities,

transforming it into healthier and more

beautiful skin as a professional

cosmeceutical brand.

With ingredients safe for all skin types

to use with confidence, including antioxidants

and anti-aging components through

advanced technological formulas,

it beautifully nurtures skin that has lost its

vitality due to external irritations and stress.

Strictly Selected

Botanical Ingredients

Empowering the skin's natural functions

with premium, fresh plant-based concentrates 

for enhanced safety and efficacy.


Patent Certification

Crafted with effective ingredients that

have received functional patent certification

from the Food and Drug Administration

related to whitening & anti-aging.



Incorporating medical knowledge

to provide professional and scientific

solutions for resolvingskin problems.

A steadfast commitment

for the skin, using only the purest

and safest ingredients.

ERLIN focuses exclusively on the most pure and safe botanical ingredients, enhancing the skin's natural healing abilities,

Transforming it into healthier and more beautiful skin

as a professional cosmeceutical brand.

With ingredients safe for all skin types to use with confidence, including antioxidants and anti-aging components through advanced technological formulas,

It beautifully nurtures skin that has lost its vitality due to

external irritations and stress.

Unending Challenge,

Always researching

for the most effective solutions.

Eager to protect the precious

beauty of your skin,

ERLIN is dedicated to continuous research

and development of its superior

ingredients and innovative technologies.

The R&D team at ERLIN actively networks

with cosmetic research institutions

to offer fundamental and systematic

solutions based on skin improvement efficacy.

Strictly Selected

Botanical Ingredients


Patent Certification

Professional Cosmeceuticals

Empowering the skin's natural functions with premium, fresh plant-based concentrates for enhanced safety and efficacy.

Crafted with effective ingredients that

have received functional patent certification from the Food and Drug Administration related to whitening & anti-aging.

Incorporating medical knowledge

to provide professional and scientific solutions for resolvingskin problems.

Unending Challenge,

Always researching

for the most effective solutions.

Eager to protect the precious beauty of your skin,

ERLIN is dedicated to continuous research and

development of its superior ingredients and innovative technologies.

The R&D team at ERLIN actively networks with cosmetic

research institutions to offer fundamental and

systematic solutions based on skin improvement efficacy.



5F, 42, Seochojungang-ro 2-gil,

Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

T  02-3018-4588 [CONTACT]

Y   @shcosmeticsgroup8332

E  shcosmeticsgroup@naver.com 

Company Name : SH Cosmetics Group

CEO : SongHo Lee

Address : (06725) 5F, 42, Seochojungang-ro 2gil,

Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

사업자등록번호 : 126-20-14143  [사업자정보확인]

통신판매업신고 : 2016-서울서초-0531호

개인정보관리책임자 : Marketing

02-3018-4588 ㅣshcosmetics@shcosmetics.co.kr

본 사이트 내 모든 이미지 및 콘텐츠 등은 저작권법 제 4조에 의한 저작물로써 소유권은 본 회사에게 있으며, 무단 도용시 법적인 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.


상호명 : 에스에이치 코스메틱 그룹(SH Cosmetics Group)  ㅣ  대표 : 이송호(SongHo Lee)

주소(address) : (06725) 5F, 42, Seochojungang-ro 2-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

사업자등록번호 : 126-20-14143 [사업자정보확인]  ㅣ  통신판매업신고 : 2016-서울서초-0531호

개인정보관리책임자 : 마케팅(Marketing)  ㅣ  02-3018-4588  ㅣ  shcosmetics@shcosmetics.co.kr